Not Sleeping Well? Try These Tips

Not Sleeping Well? Try These Tips

If you feel you are not getting enough rest at night, you should discuss your concerns with your physicians as soon as possible. Adequate sleep is a vital part of both mental and physical health.


Even without a significant diagnosis related to your fatigue, you might be able to sleep better and get more rest with these helpful tips:


Develop A Routine


Good sleep habits almost always start with a routine. This includes the position you put yourself in just before you begin to snooze. However, your routine should begin before you even get into bed.


Try to follow the same pattern each night before bed. This might include turning down the bedding, brushing your teeth, and reading for a set amount of time. The idea is to follow the same routine each day. This suggests to your brain that sleep is coming soon and helps you fall asleep faster.


The Environment


Make sure the room is dark and quiet. It also helps to sleep in a cool room. Warm or hot rooms make sleep more difficult. Our bodies naturally lower their temperature while asleep, so if you sleep in a hot room, your body has to work harder to find its restive comfort zone.




Proper exercise each day makes sure that our muscles are tired at night. However, it’s not recommended to exercise just before bed, because your heart rate has sped up while you were working out.


Avoid heavy meals


You should avoid heavy meals just before bedtime. You might want to avoid heavy meals in general, but we can save that discussion for another day.


Control the Light


Sleeping in a dark room is recommended. It is also recommended that you include enough light during the day. Studies show that exposing yourself to bright light in the morning reduces your midday fatigue. And with midday fatigue, people often resolve this by taking a long nap, which reduces the level of tiredness at night, causing insomnia or restless sleeping at night.


Short naps


Long naps take away your incentive for getting proper sleep at night. Long naps, in short, contribute to trouble falling asleep – insomnia.


If you must nap, try napping only 20 minutes and only once per day. Twenty minutes is the optimum nap length that restores alertness during the day without interfering with sleep at night.


Tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine


All of these substances, along with illicit drugs, disrupt your body’s natural sleep patterns. If you can thrive without any of these, your physician will not complain. If you must indulge in beverages with caffeine, avoid drinking them afternoon each day.


Avoid late-night television


The light from a television or a backlit electronic device, like a tablet reader, tends to add to insomnia. Avoid these types of light an hour or more before going to bed.




It can help to take a walk before going to bed to sort through some of those stresses that tend to keep you up. Try to get to bed with a relaxed mind. If this is hard, try one of a large variety of relaxation sounds or music, supplied on CD or by tape or on the Internet. There are many talk-oriented relaxation techniques, where you use the power of suggestion to feel comfortable and drowsy.


Do you frequently feel you have not slept well? This could be caused by a number of issues, some of which could be serious health risks.

In San Diego, dial 619-461-5663 to schedule an appointment.

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