06 Dec Reduce the Strain on Emergency Rooms by Opting for Urgent Care Clinics
Where illness or injury strikes, there is often a sense of fear, in particular, when the injury is painful or, occurs suddenly. A twisted ankle or a fall may not be life-threatening, but it is likely to need medical treatment quickly. At other times, an ongoing health condition may deteriorate gradually, perhaps, a vomiting or diarrhea bug which does not improve but, there is a real risk of dehydration. Typically, injuries or ill-health occurs when there is limited or perhaps no access to your usual doctor.
At these times, the emergency room is often misused, and this causes additional work for the doctors and nurses who are on duty and, many of these conditions could easily be treated elsewhere. Emergency rooms are designed to deal with serious and life-threatening conditions. These are for unexpected health issues and treatment limited to those who desperately need medical assistance such as:
- Serious Wounds
- Head injuries
- Chest pains
- Broken bones
- Heavy bleeding or continuous blood loss
- Internal bleeding
- Loss of limbs
- Poisoning
- Paralysis
While every case must be considered on its own merit because anxiety, ill-health, and concern about any health condition will be prevalent in that person’s mind and some conditions may seem serious but, will not turn out to be so. There will always be an overlap as to some health concerns but, for all other health issues, turning up at an emergency room is only going to ensure an extensive delay in being seen. Especially so, if an individual presents themselves with a severe head cold. It may be unpleasant but, will not be viewed as urgent. Hospital emergency rooms are extremely busy, and patients will be seen in the order that their health conditions dictate.
Therefore, it is far better to visit an urgent care clinic as these have all the amenities to help those non-urgent conditions or injuries which need medical assistance but, where the individual is not at risk. These clinics also have extended opening hours and are available on weekends too.
Importantly, it is not necessary to have an appointment at the urgent care clinics. This includes diagnostic testing and laboratory services too. By going to an urgent care clinic, it is still possible to see qualified doctors, nurses, and radiologists but, there will be reduced times in being treated which has to be an advantage. When you consider the volume of emergencies and in addition, those without health insurance who often wait to see if there is any improvement but end up going to the emergency rooms instead, it’s easy to see how pressured an environment this is.
The urgent care San Diego treatment rooms provide an extensive care coverage. They assist those with a variety of issues from minor broken bones or strains to those suffering from vomiting and diarrhea, flu, colds, allergies and even, minor cuts or burns. Where there are health concerns that cannot wait until it is possible to visit the usual doctors’ surgery, urgent care clinics are the next port of call.
There will always be times when ill-health strikes unexpectedly, or conditions grow worse. Illnesses such as bronchitis can worsen quite quickly. Although many people develop and suffer from bronchitis, treatment will be needed for chronic conditions, especially if it has not improved after 7-10 days. This is one condition where repetitive bouts of bronchitis may depict additional complications such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (COPD) so it’s important to ascertain the real risks and to consider options. There are over 9,000 urgent care clinics in the US and additional facilities are opening annually.
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