A Pandemic Can Wear You Down

A Pandemic Can Wear You Down

In the middle of a pandemic with cases spiking in many regions, there is a distinct possibility that fear and paranoia will also rise. If you view the world as a hostile environment all you would need to validate your fears would be a global pandemic, where the environment does seem like it is out to get you.


The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) simply says “pandemics can be stressful.” Yes, it can be stressful for healthcare workers, doctors, policymakers, and many others, but it can also be stressful for average citizens who are simply trying to get through the day. Normal patterns of behavior and social involvement are either eliminated or thrown into chaos. Both isolation and chaos can be anxiety-provoking for many people.

San Diego restorative pain management center

The CDC lists the following signs of stress brought on by the pandemic:

  • Rising fear about your own health or the safety and health of others
  • Changes in sleeping or eating routines
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Worsening of chronic problem
  • Deterioration of mental health conditions
  • Greater reliance on tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drugs

The agency also points out that various circumstances based on professional circumstances and other factors could expect to be more stressful than others. Essential workers, including grocer store clerks, auto repair technicians, nurses, and doctors, can be expected to be hit with stress during these uncertain times. These include:

  • Anyone whose job puts them in a higher risk pool for catching COVID-19
  • Elderly persons
  • Healthcare responders and providers
  • Essential retail jobs that put workers in close proximity to the public
  • People out of work with a lot of time on their hands
  • Homeless persons
  • People with diabetes, heart conditions, autoimmune diseases, or other health issues that put them at risk for reacting poorly if they contract the disease
  • Persons with substance abuse issues
  • Persons who have lost their jobs.


At Pacific Medical Care, the clinic is practicing the most stringent and exacting protocols to keep staff and patients safe at the clinic and in their daily lives. San Diego internal medical doctors and nurses understand they must keep themselves safe from infections in order to ensure the safety of their patients.


As a San Diego restorative pain management center, we are dedicated to listening carefully to our patients and keeping all private matters confidential. We commit to serving both your physical and mental health needs and make appropriate referrals for cases that require psychiatric care.


We also find there are several immediate responses our patients can try to reduce stress and anxiety. These techniques are useful no matter how you view your stress level but can be used to decrease feelings of stress that may come around.


Coping Strategies


  • Get your facts straight so you are not reacting to a rumor or false information.
  • Make a list of places to call for help, whether it is a relative or a professional in the field of mental health.
  • Turn off the television or radio news shows. The media news often focuses on negative news. You don’t need to hover over every news broadcast to keep up with the events of the day. Give this a rest once in a while.
  • Be physical. It helps tremendously to develop an exercise regime. This promotes balance and stability and allows you to focus on yourself for a while. Being a bit selfish about taking care of yourself validates your sense of self-worth.
  • Stay connected. The pandemic can make it easy (even acceptable) for people to isolate themselves from others. Make the effort to stay in with friends and family.
  • Get plenty of sleep.
  • Avoid alcohol and illicit drugs. If you feel your need or use of these substances is rising, seek professional help.


In San Diego, dial 619 333 8114 to schedule an appointment for all your medical needs.

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