Author: siteadmin

Telesalud para la diabetes es una gran manera de conseguir el control más estricto de la glucosa, reducción de hospitalizaciones, mejora los resultados clínicos y más cerca de cribado para la prevención de complicaciones médicas graves. También llamada medicina móvil, monitorización domiciliaria de la telesalud...

Telehealth for diabetes is a great way to achieve tighter glucose control, reduced hospitalizations, improved clinical outcomes, and closer screening for the prevention of serious medical complications. Also called mobile medicine, telehealth home monitoring is a powerful tool that gives the doctor a window into...

Diabetes is a prevalent illness that is preventable for many people. In adults, type 2 diabetes accounts for around 90% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes. The remainder of diabetes is related to type 1 diabetes, which is usually diagnosed during childhood. How many people have...

Caminar, también llamada neumonía atípica, la neumonía es una infección bacteriana de las vías respiratorias. Muchas personas con poca neumonía no saben que tienen, como los síntomas son leves y pasan desapercibidos. Se denomina neumonía a pie porque las personas con esta afección se sienten...

Walking pneumonia, also called atypical pneumonia, is a bacterial infection of the respiratory tract. Many people with walking pneumonia do not know they have it, as the symptoms are mild and go undetected. It is called walking pneumonia because people with this condition feel well...

Allergic rhinitis is often mistaken for a sinus infection and vice versa. However, these two conditions are quite different. There are also hundreds of cold viruses that can get you sick, causing similar symptoms to sinus infections and rhinitis. Cold Viruses Once a cold virus enters your...