Healthy Baseball Is All About Prevention and Preparedness

When school lets out, Little League Baseball season being in earnest and with that comes a common rash of injuries that, thankfully, are not usually too severe. However, any active sport can result in spontaneous mishaps. Players running across a base can step on the

¿La presión arterial alta es algo serio?

Es posible que te sorprendas cuando el médico te entregue por primera vez un diagnóstico de Hipertensión o Presión arterial alta. La mayoría de las personas se consideran saludables y no han experimentado ningún síntoma cuando se les diagnostica presión arterial alta. Sin embargo, una

Enfermedades autoinmunes

A menudo se cree que las enfermedades autoinmunes están entre las enfermedades humanas más raras, pero ese no es precisamente el caso. Muchas condiciones autoinmunes son condiciones fácilmente reconocidas. Uno de ellos, la diabetes mellitus (diabetes tipo 1) es, junto con la diabetes tipo 2,

Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune diseases are often thought to be among the rarest of human illnesses, but that is not precisely the case. Many autoimmune conditions are easily recognized conditions. One of them, diabetes mellitus (type 1 diabetes) is, along with type 2 diabetes, No. 7 on the

¿La presión arterial alta es algo serio?

Es posible que te sorprendas cuando el médico te entregue por primera vez un diagnóstico de Hipertensión o Presión arterial alta. La mayoría de las personas se consideran saludables y no han experimentado ningún síntoma cuando se les diagnostica presión arterial alta. Sin embargo, una

Is High Blood Pressure a Serious Thing?

You may be surprised when your doctor first hands you a diagnosis of Hypertension or High blood pressure. Most people consider themselves healthy and haven’t experience any symptoms when they are diagnosed with high blood pressure. However, once you know you have it, you can


Diabetes is a chronic illness that causes serious and even fatal deterioration of body systems. There are two common types of diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2 and one form that is often conditional called gestational diabetes. As the name implies, gestational diabetes occurs to

Skin Cancer

Although frequently cited as the most common type of cancer in the United States, skin cancer remains a deadly condition if it is not caught in time. Did you know, for example, that the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a monthly top

Summer Sun

It is safe to say that everyone loves the summer sun. It is certainly hard to beat those warm, soothing rays of sunlight that warm your skin and relax your muscles. Too much of that hot, summer sun, however, can also sneak up on you,

Neuralgia del trigémino

Como su nombre indica, la neuralgia del trigémino es un trastorno nervioso. Es una condición del nervio trigémino es el nervio que va desde la cara, incluyendo la mandíbula superior e inferior, la nariz, los labios, las mejillas y alrededor de los ojos. Lleva tu

Trigeminal Neuralgia

As the name implies, trigeminal neuralgia is a nerve disorder. It is a condition of the trigeminal nerve is the nerve that goes from your face, including your upper and lower jaw, nose, lips, cheeks and around the eyes. It runs up your temple to

Vacuna contra la gripe, recomendado con raras excepciones

El gran encogimiento de hombros Muchas personas se encogen de la idea de vacunarse contra la gripe, especialmente si no conocen a nadie con gripe y no han oído hablar de casos graves de gripe en un tiempo. ¿Pero Sabías que millones de personas tienen