Qué significa cuando la popa cambia de color

Puede ser incómodo hablar de ello, pero en un momento u otro en la vida de la mayoría de las personas, surge una discusión sobre el color de su caca. Mientras que la mayoría de las veces, un cambio de color en su caca significa

What It Means When Poop Changes Color

It may be awkward to talk about, but at one time or another in most people’s lives, a discussion arises about the color of your poop. While most of the time, a color change in your poop means you ate something of a different color

Todo sobre el hipotiroidismo

Hipotiroidismo es el término dado a una condición en la que la glándula tiroides no produce suficiente solución de hormonas clave que mantienen su metabolismo funcionando correctamente. Esto puede conducir a una larga (y relativamente diversa) lista de síntomas angustiosos, incluyendo obesidad, dolor en las

All About Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is the term given to a condition in which the thyroid gland fails to produce enough of key hormones that keep your metabolism running properly. This can lead to a long (and relatively diverse) list of distressing symptoms, including obesity, joint pain, infertility, and

Lo que necesita saber sobre Gout

La gota es una forma común pero muy dolorosa de artritis que se caracteriza por la inflamación en varias articulaciones, más a menudo en el dedo gordo del pie, los tobillos, en las rodillas o en otras articulaciones del dedo del pie. Por su naturaleza,

What You Need To Know About Gout

Gout is a common but very painful form of arthritis that is marked by inflammation in various joints, most often in the big toe, ankles, in the knees or in other toe joints. By its nature, gout comes in the form of flare-ups that recede

¿Cuáles son sus riesgos de aneurisma?

Un aneurisma puede ocurrir en varios lugares del cuerpo, pero generalmente se dividen entre aneurismas torácicos, que se producen en el pecho, y aneurismas abdominales, que se producen debajo del pecho. Estos se producen en la aorta, que es la arteria grande que alimenta tanto

What Are Your Aneurysm Risks?

An aneurysm can occur in various places in your body, but they are generally divided among thoracic aneurysms, which occur in the chest, and abdominal aneurysms, which occur below the chest. These occur in your aorta, which is the large artery that feeds both your

How to avoid Autumn Yard Hazards?

Fall is around the corner and it’s time to go outside and do yard work. You may need to trim trees, mow the lawn and rake the leaves. However, it is important to stay safe while doing these since yard work carries the risk of

Asma asociada con los niños

El asma es un trastorno intermitente que se asocia principalmente con niños y adolescentes, ya que algunas personas envejecen. La afección está marcada por lo que se conoce como ataques de asma, que incluyen un inicio de dificultad para respirar que a menudo se acompaña

Asthma Associated with Children

Asthma is an intermittent disorder that is primarily associated with children and teenagers, as some people age-out of the symptoms. The condition is marked by what is known as asthma attacks, which include an onset of shortness of breath that is often accompanied by coughing,

Summer Is Here – Don’t Over-Heat

With global warming pushing regional temperatures to unprecedented highs, the possibility of heat-related health concerns will become more and more prevalent for the foreseeable future. Whatever the cause or trends, however, heat stroke can be a very serious and debilitating condition, much more of a