Help your Aging Parent Avoid a fall

Help your Aging Parent Avoid a fall

Caring for the elderly requires a great deal of patience and love so that they can continue living their lives as best they can.

While falls are common among the elderly, you can help your aging parent prevent them by following some easy safety tips.

Home Safety

Make your home as safe as possible for your elderly parent with –

  • Sufficient lighting – Ensure that your house is well-lit. Install night-lights.
  • Grab bars in the bathroom – Install grab rails in the bathroom and toilet to provide something to hold on to.
  • Reduce clutter – Remove any obstructions in the house that might cause a fall.
  • Secure rugs and carpets – Secure rugs and mats to the floor with adhesive strips or remove them if they pose still pose a risk for a slip.
  • No sharp corners – If any piece of furniture has sharp corners, consider using pads to reduce the risk of injuries.

Outdoor Safety

To help your elderly parent avoid falls when outside –

  • Use a support, such as canes, walking sticks and frames to maintain balance and avoid a fall.
  • Ensure that s/he wears good quality, weather-appropriate, slip-resistant, comfortable shoes.

Stay Healthy

Regular exercise, a good diet and following the doctor’s advice on managing any medical conditions will also help your aging parent reduce the risk of falls.

If you are looking for the best foot doctor in San Diego, call Pacific Medical Care at 619-333-8114 Today. All you have to do is make a phone call and the doctor will be at your doorstep within a short while! The San Diego internal medicine doctors at Pacific Medical Care are Board Certified, highly skilled, compassionate and knowledgeable.

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