The Single Complete Solution to Chronic Pain – Restorative Pain Management

The Single Complete Solution to Chronic Pain – Restorative Pain Management

What is Chronic Pain?

Pain is your body’s warning mechanism to alert you to an underlying condition or injury, for example when you cut a finger. As the injury heals, the pain disappears. But chronic pain is different. Your body may keep hurting for weeks, months, even years.


Any pain that lasts longer than 6 months is often termed ‘chronic pain’. Chronic pain may appear as dull, throbbing, burning, shooting or stinging pain or even as continual joint or body stiffness. Leading causes of chronic pain include –

  • Past injury or surgery
  • Musculoskeletal issues
  • Nerve related pain
  • Degenerative conditions, such as arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Cancer

Why Restorative Pain Management?

Many traditional pain treatments target only the symptoms to relieve pain. This does not offer long term relief and the pain often returns with a vengeance.


Restorative pain management, on the other hand, treats not only the pain itself, but also the cause of your pain. Board certified pain management doctors, at Pacific Medical care in San Diego, focus on identifying the source of your pain and treating it, rather than a “Band-Aid” approach.


Restorative pain management may include medication management, minimally invasive interventional pain procedures, such as –

  • trigger point therapy
  • epidural injections
  • nerve blocks
  • radiofrequency ablation
  • joint injections, and more


Unique individualized programs take into account the patient’s full history, accurate diagnosis, severity of underlying condition and the extent of pain. The customizes treatment plans center around realistic, obtainable and measurable goals.


To consult the best pain management doctors or internal medicine doctors in San Diego, call Pacific Medical Care at 619-333-8114 Today. Pacific Medical Care also provides on-site care routinely to long term care facilities, to prevent the need for residents to travel for doctor visits. This also includes Mobile Lab work and Radiology capabilities.

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