Wound Care for Diabetic Patients

Wound Care for Diabetic Patients

A minor scratch or a scrape may be normal for many people. But for a diabetic patient, even a small, seemingly harmless wound may take days, months or even years to heal. This delay in healing is due to damage caused to the circulatory and nervous systems by diabetes. Left untreated, even minor diabetic wounds can lead to serious complications.

The best way to avoid any complications is through prevention and awareness. Here are a few things you must know about wound care if you or a loved one is a diabetic.

Never ignore any signs

Don’t ignore any wounds, however minor. The more you delay, the less are the chances of healing. If an ignored wound gets infected, it may result in amputation. Most amputations are performed because of diabetic foot ulcers.

Daily Checks

To be proactive and prevent any problems, check your foot daily. Watch out for any swelling, redness, blisters, cuts or nail issues. Talk to your doctor as soon as you notice something, even if it seems harmless or minor.

Foot Care

Feet are especially prone to injuries and delayed healing. Some small daily reminders to keep your feet healthy are:

  • Keep feet warm and dry
  • Never walk barefoot
  • Bathe your feet daily in lukewarm water
  • Check your shoes before putting them on for any small objects or pebbles
  • Choose the Right Socks. Choose a pair that is specially made for diabetes, reduce risk of injury and improve circulation.

Even with care, diabetic wounds occasionally develop. If you are experiencing wounds, tingling of feet or have diabetes, contact an internal medicine doctor to book a consultation and determine the best treatment option for you.

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