
If your child keeps pulling at the ear for no apparent reason, or reports earache, is fussier than usual, has a fever with fluid draining from the ear or having trouble hearing, s/he may have an earache. From discomfort to pain, earaches may vary in severity....

Sciatica is caused by pressure or compression of the sciatic nerve or one of the root nerves in the spine. It becomes chronic when pain continues for a long time – such as more than three months. Sciatica can be difficult to diagnose and treat. The...

The brain does not have pain receptors but, the meninges (covering around the brain) and scalp have pain receptors. Technically, the brain itself cannot feel pain but the nerves can.   There are several causes of brain nerve pain that result in pressure on the nerves. These...

Nerve damage in the back can affect all body functions depending on the severity of the condition. The nervous system is involved in all body functions from regulating breathing to controlling muscles and feeling heat and cold. Nerves are important to everything the body does and...

The need to develop safer alternatives to opioids has come to the forefront opioid epidemic. New research was done with botulinum toxin show hope as a proven safe and effective treatment for chronic pain. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimates that approximately 25.3 million Americans...