What is Walking Pneumonia?

Walking pneumonia, also called atypical pneumonia, is a bacterial infection of the respiratory tract. Many people with walking pneumonia do not know they have it, as the symptoms are mild and go undetected. It is called walking pneumonia because people with this condition feel well

Frente a rinitis alérgica. Infección sinusal

Rinitis alérgica a menudo se confunde con una infección sinusal y viceversa. Sin embargo, estas dos condiciones son muy diferentes. También hay cientos de virus del resfriado que pueden conseguir enfermamos, provocando síntomas similares a infecciones de sinusitis y rinitis. Virus del resfriado Una vez

Allergic Rhinitis vs. Sinus Infection

Allergic rhinitis is often mistaken for a sinus infection and vice versa. However, these two conditions are quite different. There are also hundreds of cold viruses that can get you sick, causing similar symptoms to sinus infections and rhinitis. Cold Viruses Once a cold virus

¿Está usted en riesgo de padecer Diabetes?

En 2012, el 9,3% de la población tenía diabetes, que es de unos 29 millones de estadounidenses. Expertos estima que tanto como 8 millones de personas no están aún diagnosticadas con diabetes. Considera a prediabetes, unos 86 millones de personas en los Estados Unidos están

Are you at Risk for Diabetes?

In 2012, 9.3% of the population had diabetes, which is around 29 million Americans. Experts estimated that as many as 8 million people are not yet diagnosed with diabetes. Considered to have prediabetes, around 86 million people in the U.S. are at risk for developing

Primary Care Physician – Your First Medical Care Provider

You can’t run to an ER in a hospital every time you catch a little cold. A primary care physician is the first healthcare professional you call or visit when a medical need arises. S/he can help you with a variety of medical problems, maintain

The Foot Doctor Has Been Around A Long Time

Your feet carry you everywhere. Your feet support your body when you stand, walk and run. Foot problems have bothered humans since the beginning of civilization. Foot problems have been mentioned by early Egyptians. Even Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, talks about removing feet

Lo que en un centro de atención urgente

Algunos millones pacientes visitan centros de atención de urgencia cada semana. Si usted o un ser querido está sufriendo de una condición peligrosa para la vida, como un ataque al corazón, no cabe duda que tienes que ir a una sala de emergencia en un

What to Check in an Urgent Care Center

A few million patients visit urgent care centers every week. If you or a loved one is suffering from a life-threatening condition, like a heart attack, there is no doubt you need to go to an ER in a nearby hospital. What about less life-threatening

¿Por qué son necesarios los médicos a domicilio?

Si usted decide convertirse en un médico a domicilio, usted proporcionando atención médica y la atención a pacientes en su hogar u oficina. Esto implicaría el tratamiento de enfermedades amenazantes sin vida que aún necesita atención urgente, como tratamiento de un senior con severo dolor

Why house call doctors are needed?

If you choose to become a house call doctor, you would be providing medical care and attention to patients at their home or office. This would involve treatment of non-life threatening ailments which still need urgent attention, such as treating a senior with severe sore