Wound Care for Diabetic Patients

A minor scratch or a scrape may be normal for many people. But for a diabetic patient, even a small, seemingly harmless wound may take days, months or even years to heal. This delay in healing is due to damage caused to the circulatory and

Preocupaciones de salud y vapeo

La práctica del vapeo ha llegado a un círculo completo en términos de conciencia pública y relaciones públicas. Impulsado por los inversores, la noticia de los vapeos cuando apareció por primera vez hace una década hizo sonar como el antídoto perfecto para un pubico aducido

Health Concerns And Vaping

The practice of vaping has come full circle in terms of public awareness and public relations. Prompted by investors, news of vaping when it first appeared a decade ago made it sound like the perfect antidote to a nicotine-adducted pubic, offering a nicotine-laced vapor that

Puede hacer y no puede hacer con respecto a las enfermedades cardíacas

Hay muchos factores que lo pasan por el riesgo de enfermedad cardíaca de alguien. Algunos de estos son bien conocidos, como fumar, lo que aumenta significativamente el riesgo de enfermedad cardíaca de alguien. La edad, por ejemplo, también es un factor bien conocido. Cuanto mayor

Can Do and Can’t Do Concerning Heart Disease

There are many factors that go it someone’s risk of heart disease. Some of these are well known, such as smoking, which significantly increases someone’s risk of heart disease. Age, for example, is also a well-known factor. The older you are, the higher your risks.

6 Condiciones a menudo descartadas como problemas psicológicos

Muchos síntomas, a menudo indicativos de un trastorno de salud mental, en realidad pueden ser signos de problemas médicos físicos. Sólo hay una línea fina entre los dos. Aquí está un vistazo a 6 problemas de salud que se pueden descartar fácilmente como trastornos del

6 Conditions Often Dismissed as Psychological Issues

Many symptoms, often indicative of a mental health disorder, may actually be signs of physical medical issues. There is only a fine line between the two. Here is a look at 6 health issues that can easily be dismissed as mood disorders. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Señales tempranas de un ataque cardíaco

Muchas personas creen que están bien versados en los signos de un ataque al corazón que se avecina. Han visto muchos ataques cardíacos en las películas y entienden que los ataques cardíacos pueden ser repentinos, sorprendentes y letales.   Con este estereotipo en mente, sin

Early Signs of a Heart Attack

Many people believe they are well versed in the signs of an oncoming heart attack. They’ve seen many heart attacks in movies and understand that heart attacks can be sudden, surprising, and lethal.   With this stereotype in mind, however, it is easy to grow

See A Doctor For Involuntary Muscle Spasms

Dystonia is a relatively rare muscle disorder affecting about 1 percent of the population, although it is more prevalent in women than it is in men. The causes are unknown. The disorder, which is marked by involuntary muscle contractions, can be mild to severe, and

9 Signs your Weight Loss a Health Red Flag

Unintentional, sudden weight loss could be caused due to several reasons – An overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism can cause unintentional weight loss. It causes an increase in the metabolic rate, increasing calorie burn. If you’re experiencing weight loss along with symptoms like shortness of breath, fatigue,